Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Missouri Compromise ,Compromise of 1850 and GA Platform

The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820 and it prohibited slavery in some territories.It was supposed to keep a balance between the free and slave states. Missouri entered as a slave state. The Compromise of 1850 was 5 bills that were passed to avoid a confrontation between the slave states and the free states. This was disrupted because California wanted in since they were populated because of the gold rush. This would ruin the slave and free state balance and something had to be done.The five major  things that were included in the compromise were that Texas present day borders were to in exchange for the U.S government debt. This land was then claimed into New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Nevada. Slavery was also abolished in Washington D.C. , California was admitted in as A free state and The Fugitive Slave Act was passed.
The Fugitive Slave Act required citizens to assist in the recovery of slaves , it denied jury trials and claim process was easier . More federal officers were also enforced to help.

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