Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Battles of the Civil War

There were many important battles that led to the civil war but only some of them had a great impact. Some of those battles were Antietam, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, Union Blockade of GA Coast, and Shermans Atlangta Campaign/March to Sea.Another important thing that led to the war was the Emancipation Proclimation.The Battle at Antietam was the single-day most bloodiest battle. There were 22,000 combined casualties and the generals were (confederates)Robert E. Lee and (union) George McLellan. This battle destroyed both sides. This battle led to The Battle of Gettysburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was the turning point of America. This is because it destroyed the confederates and it was easier for the union to win. When the Union won they wanted to keep going so it led to the Battle od Chickamauga. But this was a bad choice because the union ended up loosing and the battle marked the end of the union offensive in Tenesse and Georgia. This was called the Chikamauga Campaign. In the end the union was weak and out of Georgia. This event began to lead up to Shermans Campaign and March to Sea. These two battles were led by General William T. Sherman. His main goal was to destroy Georgia.Sherman also wanted to help with the reelection of Abraham Lincoln. Before he did this he had the city evacuated so that he wouldnt have to take care of the people. When they arrived the began destroying railroads to stop transport. This was very risky because by destroying all methides of transport for supplies and communication he coludn't recieve any supplies or messages. When Sherman finished, GA was destroyed.

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