Thursday, March 14, 2013

After the War

The Freedman's Bureau :

The Freedman's Bureau was an orginization formed by the Radical Republicans. Its goal was to help protect the rights of the freed blacks during the time of reconstruction. This orginaization led to the creation to many HBU's (historically black colleges) and the blacks were able to set up things of their own.

New Amedments:

After the slaves were freed, three new amedments were created.
13:Forbids Slavery
14:Allowed freed slaves citizenship and equal protection under the law
15:Gave ALL men the right to vote regardless of color or race

Sharecropping and Tenant Farming:

Sharecropping was when people farmed on land that was owned by someone else. Sharecroppers pay the owner back by giving them half of what they crop. Sharecroppers didn't own anything and had very little.Tenant farming was a bit better the sharecropping because tenant farmers owned things such as animals and tools. Tenant farmers also have an oppurtunity of saving money becaue they pay the owner of the land back with money at the end of the year or by giving them some of the crops.

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