Wednesday, February 27, 2013

States Rights' and Nullification

There were many reasons that led up to the Civil War and states' rights and nullification are some of them. The southern people wanted states rights because they believed that the government was passing laws that were affecting them negatively. This why they began to nullify the laws. Nullification is when a state refuses to recognize or reinforce a law.The northern people did not like them nullifying the laws because they believed it made the government weaker. With theses two different sides wanting two different things, it made it hard for the government to make a decision and it just built up more tension.  

Slavery As A Cause

Slavery is a system in which people are treated like property that can be bought and sold and  these people are also forced to work. The majority of slaves were from African origin. Slaves were mostly forced to work in the south because the people there needed slaves to pick cotton from the plantations since it was one of the main crops needed. But in the north slaves were not needed as much since the land their was not very good for plantations that needed slaves. Slavery was one of the major causes that led up to the civil war because the people all had different points of view on it. The north did not want slavery but the south did. This put alot of pressure on the government because the choices that they made needed to please both sides.